The Multitasking Busy Mom’s Guide to Getting Back to the Real You!

7 proven & practical strategies to boost self-confidence, transform your mindset, & renew your energy!

Hello Beautiful One,

I’m so excited for you to get your hands on this list of practical strategies to boost your confidence today. I’m Lacy Stole and I am a working mom of an 8-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old son and a wife to my husband, Mark. I help women and children boost their confidence and increase their self-esteem by providing ways for them to feel their best. I enjoy educating others with encouraging messages and with ways to lift each other up and inspire the Littles in our lives.

When it comes to attributes we’d like to have, confidence tops the list in almost every situation. Confidence is more than self-esteem and is more than what we wear in that it involves feeling revered, special, powerful and sure of our worth. Confidence is also something that can go on a “roller coaster” in that it has its ups and downs. Sometimes we feel great about ourselves and other times we don’t. Sometimes, as busy mom’s, we get so wrapped up in working, being a mom, and providing for everyone but ourselves, that we lose sight of who we were before kids, the things we really like, the things that actually make us feel beautiful and, how to go about investing in ourselves. Below are some ways that we can do just that:

~First, find the time to do the things you enjoy.

If you’re like me, that means things like walking outside, reading, or coloring. The sunshine does a body good, reading engages the brain and allows for growth, and coloring stimulates the creative side of my mind. Sometimes journaling my thoughts or just watching The Hallmark Channel gets me into that place of sheer enjoyment where all I think about is how happy it makes me, and I feel good when I’m done. Whatever that is for you, make time for it. Self-care and time for yourself is NOT selfish when it is done in balance and done with your priorities in line. That old adage, “when mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy” is so true. So, take care of you!

~Second, invest in the things that make you feel good about yourself.

This could be hair, make-up, clothes, nails, etc. Work on accepting the fact that we may not be models, may have short legs and also have 30% body fat. Can I get an amen? When we invest in the clothes that fit right or the nails that make us feel powerful, we feel differently on the inside. It’s proven. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune but spend some time researching the things that make you feel good about yourself and do it. I recently bought all kinds of things to try because I have put it off for so long. Things like whitening toothpaste and firming cream. Sounds silly and they may not mean a lot to others, but they do to me and it gives me confidence when I look in the mirror.

~Next, sit up straight and walk tall.

Look at the world head on. If someone is headed your way, smile at them and acknowledge them. Try not to look down or turn your eyes away. Sit up when you’re in meetings and at work. These actions help others take you seriously. When your Mom told you growing up to “stand up straight”, she was doing you a favor. Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell her but do it. You feel taller, look taller, walk taller and all of a sudden you can take whatever life throws at you.

~Fourth, dress nicely.

It seems trite but it works. When you put effort into the way you dress, it changes your mindset. Did you know that it can even enhance the feel-good hormones required for showing dominance? Talk about a confidence booster.

~Next, take a shower or a bath, whatever your preference is.

Groom yourself. Even a doctor once challenged me in taking a “Proper” bath as treatment for anxiety. She told me the following:

  1. 1)  Get a candle
  2. 2)  Run your bath water
  3. 3)  Use bubbles if you like but only if the scent matches your candle or is complimentary.
  4. 4)  Get a glass of wine
  5. 5)  Sit in the water and take 10 deep breaths before you do anything.
  6. 6)  After you’re done, stay in tub and stay in your “relaxed” position while you let out the water.
  7. 7)  Stay in that position until you hear the last slurp of the water down the drain and literally imagine all of your worries having been washed away and going down the drain. After that, you can get out.

Maybe you should try it too.

~Sixth, focus on others.

I’m not talking about focusing on what they think. I’m talking about being less selfish. Do something for someone else and give back. The old saying, “giving is better than receiving” can truly lift your spirits and make you feel good about what you’re doing in the world. Find ways to give back in the areas you truly care about. Be a part of a greater good. For me, lately, I’ve been inspired to help the sea turtles that needed warm water and care after a recent cold weather blast we had here in my hometown. Other times, it’s just donating items to a local charity. Find an organization close to your heart and do something with them. It’ll help change your mindset.

~Lastly, have a jam session.

Have you ever studied the benefits of music in one’s life? Did you know there is a such thing as music therapy? I have a friend whose 5-year-old-daughter went through a terrible experience. In the hospital, they had someone come in and give her a small ukulele and they played Moana music with her. It was amazing and this little girl was able to focus on other things and help her heal. All to say, music affects the mind in such positive ways. When I’m in a funk, this is one of my favorite things to do. Turn the music up loud, roll the windows down, and sing at the top of my lungs a song that means something

to me. When you sing things like, “what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger…” it can light a fire under you and can cause a great reaction. It does wonders.

The more self-confidence a person has, the more they find value in themselves. So,” Stand tall and Twirl” my friend. You won’t regret it.

I sincerely hope you got value from this!

By the way, if you’d like to take steps to boost your self-confidence today, consider a new ensemble or dress for you and/or the little one in your life. Pick something out that is designed to bring a smile to your face every time you look in your closet, stand in front of the mirror, or step out your door. A whimsical approach to texture, pattern, and color results in designs that are youthful, playful, and expressive. or email me at
