Beautiful You

Someone I admire and who I listen to frequently nowadays is Christy Wright. If you don’t know who she is, she is someone who empowers women “to do more of what they love doing what they love.” I started out listening to her because my husband recommended her as a Dave Ramsey personality and he thought I would benefit from listening to her because of her Business Boutique. Well, then he bought me her book, which I read and enjoyed as well. Turns out, she has a lot of great things to say and I resonate with her in many ways.

In one of her podcasts, Christy give statistics on women and self confidence and how the habit of negative self talk affects us. Did you know that girls begin to experience the thoughts of negative self image at the age of 6? Wow! I have a 7 year old daughter right now and by no means do I want her to talk about how much she doesn’t like this or that about her body. That would break my heart. It makes me think that God doesn’t like it when we say those things about our body either. I mean, He created us. In His image! What a slap in the face to Him to say, “my butt is too big” or “I’m too fat” or ” I look too old.” How about we try to be more positive to ourselves. Let’s try to do what it says in 1 Corinthians, “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.” God doesn’t make mistakes and I agree with Christy when I say, I believe that He loves your body. He even likes it. And He probably wants you to love it and like it as well. Think about it: Would you ever treat your friend how you’re treating yourself? It’s time you actually become friends with your body, appreciate it, and celebrate it. 

I love what the main actress says in The Help as well when she tells the little girl she nannys, “you is smart, you is kind, you is important.” What if we spent more time telling ourselves and each other kind things that don’t have anything to do with our looks. What if we quit telling other women “you look so great” when we really mean “have you lost weight?” Just something to think about. I want Emily to see me as an example to her. One who cares about what she looks like but in a healthy way. One who exercises but who doesn’t obsess over the scale, one who eats healthy and makes smart choices but who enjoys chocolate cake without guilt. What is one thing you will do today for yourself and/or your children to make a difference in positive self-talk?

Bye for now!

My niece, Mackenzie Rae in her MJ Recess Queen Dress
Emily at Dollywood with a Fairy
